Bionomic Industries, a worldwide leading manufacturer of cutting edge scrubber systems technology, has announced another successful startup at MINERA GABY, one of the six Codelco copper ore processing facilities in South America. Codelco, the largest copper mining company in the world with headquarters and major mining operations in Chile, processes over 180 million tons of metal per year.
Due to the worldwide demand of Codelco's principle product, cathode copper, the company decided to expand their copper processing facility in Calama City, Chile. The project, called Minera Gaby Expansion II, was developed to comply with the latest Chilean air quality regulations. Codelco elected to install an air pollution control system to reduce copper particulate and sulfuric acid mist emissions from their ore acidulation reaction that takes place in a rotary drum. Total gas volume that needed treatment was estimated to be 6,100 ACFM, and required removal efficiency that was a minimum of 98% on both submicron and micron particulate. Fouling of the scrubber was also a concern since the scrubber needed to operate reliably with little or no maintenance and downtime. Another Codelco design requirement was for the scrubber and fan system to be mounted on an elevated platform with minimum duct elbows and length between the scrubber and induced draft fan. Energy efficiency was also a concern.
Ingeneria Ambiental Y Servicios S.A., the extremely well known and respected Bionomic Industries sales and engineering representative in South America, worked with Codelco to define the specifications and criteria for a system to meet their needs in complying with the air regulations. Codelco also required the system to be installed and operating in 24 weeks, including engineering design (civil, structural, electrical, and process), supply installation, startup, and training.
Working through Ingenieria Ambiental Y Servicios S.A., Bionomic engineers offered the perfect solution to satisfy all requirements. A high collection efficiency, non-fouling Series 7000 Venturi Scrubber was selected for removal of the contaminants, and in order to meet the overall low height restriction required, a specially designed Model 4100 Crossflow Absorber/Entrainment Separator was designed and supplied in a horizontal configuration in lieu of a tall vertical vessel. Double stage chevrons were used to capture all droplets and included wash down sprays for cleaning.
Operating since September 2010, the Bionomic Series 7000/Venturi scrubber is meeting all Codelco's requirements and performance guarantees at a low energy level.
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